Friday, May 27, 2011

Ohio Temporary License Expires

Aermacchi MB-339 (Brazil, Modern), WIP

Today MB-339 - the first of two aircraft in 1 / 100 in what used to be has provided - were sold in pledges along with puzzle (puzzle, of course, went to children).

Aermacchi MB-339 is an Italian plane-school training. Can play a role in a light aircraft assault. It was Developed as a replacement for the Earlier MB-326. It was developed to replace an earlier design MB-326.

The first flight took place on 12 August 1976 and Deliveries to the Italian Air Force commenced in 1979. [1] Still in production in 2004 in an enhanced version with a much-modernised cockpit. first flew in 1976 and supplies for the Italian Air Force began in 1979. Built a total of 200 MB-339, of which about half the machines are used by the Italian Air Force. In addition to the Italian aircraft of this type are still used by Argentina, New Zealand, Dubai, Eritrea, Ghana, Malaysia, Nigeria and Peru.

interesting episode is the use of aircraft of this type by Argentina

(Naval Aviation - Naval Commando de Aviación) during the Falklands conflict in April 1982. Six aircraft of this type were at the airport in Port Stanley ( In 1980, Commando de la Aviación Naval Argentina (CANA), or Argentine naval air command, ordered the MB-339As, advanced trainer and light attack aircraft. Military Base Aérea ( BAM ) Islas Malvinas). Together with four T-34 and 24 FMA IA 58 Pucara formed Grupo 3 de Ataque, and were supposed to defend the island against the British landings. Other Argentinian MB-339 operated at the time of the bases of continental Almirante Zar, Bahia Blanca, Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego. On May 21, during a routine reconnaissance flight, and piloted by Lieutenant Crippa Owen, MB-339A for the first time landing forces attacked the Royal Navy. Light damage suffered when the frigate HMS Argonaut. On May 27, MB-339A (4-A-114) was shot down by Blowpipe during the Battle of Goose Green. Three MB-339 were captured by the British at Port Stanley.

Na razie maluję model jednolitym kolorem jasnoszarym - brak mi na razie włoskich kalkomanii, ale jakoś postaram się rozwiązać ten problem.



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