In the previous section we presented a ridiculous creature - Ceza. Today, we introduce silhouette of the fruit of illegitimate Zwierzak and love Elmo. As a drummer, a famous string quartet Dildohed is their attraction as the only member gdysz can be appropriate and tastefully dressed.
This fashion-leader was last seen at the award ceremony "We play in a dominant share sequined pants, from which protruded collar and Parker pen pelican. Subtle additions
type wedges with a plasma ball, four-meter sombrero and drunken slut outfit on a leash they added how desirable komifą . Fashion designers attracted admiration fur cape with pink czaszki glow in the dark and the famous armor hash.
This trendsetter introduced a universal fashion for cowgirl sandals with goat-lieves and stylish paputki steel. French fashion dictator - Pierre d'Olony designed and sewed specially for Ceza famous "hydroponic cap" which covered hides weedu Cesium provide many impressions. However, recently it has been repeatedly damaged by fires caused by Ceza.
In the next section we will present the form of Reza - niewieścich breaker of hearts and men's bones, and skrąmnego przeszlachetnego retention under.
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