One of the co-authors of this blog is very modest and człkiem rarely talks about him sobie.Więc Being the debt, I present the figure. Rez
also called Kaciejem Mapelą recalcitrant or slippers in addition to the same blog deals with the cultivation of scaffolding żeliwnyh and cannabis. Being once a
utytłany as young piglet Rez discovered his vagabond souls and decided to become a warrior Uhahanym samurajem.Uzbroiwszy in wool and bulletproof skiety nunchaku moves every night on the town of mixed hujem ciasto.Jest invisible as a rock and his white jacket pedalska is slippery like wax. The photograph reproduced
Rez in his famous katana just before the night action code-named "i need weed" which ended with a resounding success, and the total wet zawłą piszczelmi ...
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