Niewielka, ale bardzo ciekawa książeczka. This item is not for beginners in this period. The author analyzes the tactics of the Civil War from the position of the speaker - fails to cite examples, but enter into discussion with the reader, referring to the global factors that shape the battle of the period 1861-1865, such as a statement, the training and equipping the troops, and the conditions prevailing on the battlefield. This leads to some interesting conclusions. He says, for example, that the peak of the possibility of fighting the two armies reached in 1863. Previously, the soldiers slowly gaining combat experience, the lack of which prevented the use of available resources, then very quickly lose enthusiasm, characteristic of inexperienced volunteers. They understood that war is not only the glory of winning, that's very easy to die. Therefore become less important at this time strengthening the field and declining number of offensive actions on the battlefield.
Same goes global by the way of fighting. Shows that on the eastern front, by the early Confederate military successes gained psychological advantage over the enemy, and the advantage of not returned almost to the end of the war. Armies of federal zadawały the same disaster, incomprehensible terror seized before opponent and put an end to this until Gen. Meade. Griffin writes: "In contrast to its predecessors - McClellan, Hoker and Burnside, Meade does not panicked when his well-equipped and well-fortified rebel army heard the howling of sweeping to the front." A different situation prevailed in the west. There, the federal armies have had success at the beginning of the war and characteristically - the rebels has never failed to refer the great victory at Second Manassas, or as Chancelorsville. Therefore, it seems to me that in the east, a confederation should be encouraged to offensive action, perhaps through some modifications to the morale of the attack.
Subsequent chapters are devoted to tactical issues. Griffin examines the arming and training of both armies. It turns out that a lot of time she took the drill, both at battalion and brigade or even division, so that the soldiers had no more problems with maneuvering on the battlefield, at least until I got involved in fight. Almost completely sacrificed the time to exercise greater accuracy, using live ammunition. It follows from this that the infantry of the Civil War really were not able to use modern weapons threaded, which was in their hands. Much space is devoted to the analysis of the "chaos of the battlefield." Under enemy fire, bursting discipline and every soldier fighting on their own. Impaired transfer of command was, to which it contributes different battlefield. The soldiers opened fire readily, thereby reducing their stress, but it was hard to stop this fire. Very useful are the author's remarks concerning the organization on the battlefield. Even while reading the book "Maps of Gettysburg," I noticed that the Brigade organization was not often reflected in the struggle. Individual regiments separated or joining the brigade, acting alone, and sometimes brygadierzy do not supervise all subordinate units restricted to the nearest command. Griffith goes on - give examples where the different regiments mingled, both under the influence of the event, but also on the orders of commanders, using a single company, to clogging of the holes in the line. Reinforces my belief that the game does not need to consider the various regiments, but enough to reduce the level of brigade or division.
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