Today we would like to introduce you Popaprańskich.Głową family and family is also a member Pitol Popaprański.Pitol every day is a conservator at the kindergarten No. 666 barrels Smolnych.Jego passion pedofilostyka.Żoną Pitola and his companion at the same time is zrycia Yo Anna.Pełni the obligations of a housewife and amateur deals with the production of heroin, amphetamines, LSD and resilient child żelbetonowych.Najstarsze Paprockich 66 year old Stefan Mruzella Popaprańska is always enjoying a child with profound disability due to mózgu.Rodzice amputation was prepared for this treatment on her first communion nieświętą.Maciejka, another daughter is a juvenile state Popaprańskich a nymphomaniac tendencies ziołofilskich.Jest Rezania School graduate and has a Master's degree in foreign trade (chasing the Dutch staff.) final member Marko Narko.Ten family is from birth outspoken transvestite is an adopted family in Jamaica mudżachedinem.Prawdziwa Marko was very happy getting rid of wayward youth, every move ransacked the family plantations and sąsiadów.Ciężko communicate with him because this nutcase Jamaican knows only one word in the language Polish ......" increasing "
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